Starting on Wednesday you win LOL
I do understand what you are saying a little more blur in the clouds is a cool effect of course
Starting on Wednesday you win LOL
I do understand what you are saying a little more blur in the clouds is a cool effect of course
It was raining nearly the whole day today, so I didn't go out, but I did a lot of photo editing. I have some private appointments with my son tomorrow, but maybe in the afternoon I will find some time for photos, but I don't know yet.
well its good to have time to edit photos I am trying to do the same today even though it is nice out I got out for a walk this morning and now taking it easy doing things around the house and also of course editing photos :)
I hope tomorrow is a nice day and you can get out for a bit
I was somehow glad, that because of the rain I couldn't do what I had planned. So I had much time to edit photos, instead of going for a boring hike on a mountain to shoot sunrise photos ;) lol
Seriously, the editing work was important - now I have enough images for the next few days, and there will be a sunrise and no rain, when I plan this hike again in a few days 😊
Thats a very positive way to look at it ;)
There's nearly always something positive, you just have to find it ;)
yes I think we are alike in that regard we so often focus on the positive no matter what hits us
Good morning JJ,
at least I try to, and sometimes it's hard, but it makes the life better 😊
Have a great work day 😉