Indeed there is always something to see and shoot if you keep your eyes and mind open :)
LaCour day used to be a holiday in NZ not sure if it still is but I think it was in October
And yes without a Doubt Artur day should indeed be a holiday, perhaps is such an auspicious event it should be a week long holiday
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Of course, I have googled LaCour day - don't laugh :)))
Artur day - worldwide one week off - I would vote for it, yes I would :)
LMAO I did it again didn’t I, of course I did mean Labour Day used to be a holiday in NZ, I think almost every worker in the world would vote for a week long holiday whatever it was about :)
It's these typos, where I cannot tell, if it's a typo or if it's true, but therefore Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed Google, and Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger developed Wikipedia, if Wikipedia didn't tell wrong ;)
So, JJ, make your typos - I will try to not be fooled again ;) lol
LOL I will Try not to fool you again but I cannot guarantee it I am the King of Typos
After Artur and LaCour day - how can I ever believe you again :)))))
LOL Isn’t LaCour day that special day in I LeMans that day when they Lay out the course for the 24 Hour Car race?
... and that's a holiday in New Zealand, when the french have a car race?
My teacher used to say: your answer is completely wrong, but I like your original way of thinking :)