Hi all..
Today i with my classmates went to Pesona Khayangan in Karanggayam, Central Java. I went there by motorcycle. I traveled for 1 hour from gombong. We did not know where to go. One of my friends invited me and my classmates go to Pesona Khayangan. Then we gather the friends who want to go there and after we arrived there the scenery was so beautiful and the air there was very cool. You can see the scenery in my photo.
This is We, Multimedia class. No one cant stop us. We are family, never be parted for now and forever.
Multimedia Greetings
Don't forget to give your opinion about this picture
Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for dropping by. See you on next post!
Bagus dek foto2 nya
Sukses selalu ya
Makasihh @dwiitavita
Cool photos, what a view! 😎
Hahahaaa yeah.! Thanks
Jajahane the babater lik @wgustaman
Satu kelas sampai berapa orang, @teafp?