Very thoughtful article. There are lots of issues being raised these days, women are fighting for gender equality in workplace, recent "Me Too" initiative by strong women have gained attention around the world, and there are some changes coming up. However, from my personal view, i think many women feel inferior to what men are capable and the trend of making oneself physically attractive is still a priority rather than building strong inner values. Most women pay more attention to grooming their looks and lesser attention to empowering themselves. There are few strong women like Oprah winfrey , Michelle Obama, Therasa May,so on who is strong enough and leading by example to all the women and to us men too. Fight for gender equality is growing strong and both men and women are responsible to bring about the changes. Not just men changing their attitude and outlook about gender equality but also women must strive hard for their rights. this is just my opinion and i mean no offence to you 😊
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@teejaytshen you absolutely accurately understood my article)) unfortunately, we live on templates. And few people are ready to change these patterns of upbringing.
You can be the change you want to see in the world. You can try in ways you can to bring about some changes in this fabricated world. Good luck and be strong and brave @margarita-de 😉
Thank you)