Today I want to share the photos that are... not as positive as my usual shots. During this holidays, I visited several "abandoned" places. I wrote the word - abandoned in quotes 'cause officially these places are listed as settlements - villages. But in fact...
The pride of the country! The miners! It's a pity... but it was in Soviet times. Now, these are useless people for the country! The unprincipled and ruthless gears of the state machine grinded fates of these people and left them without work, alternatives, and means of subsistence! People who gave everything to their country live out the remaining time in such conditions...
Of course, there were those who left for larger cities. But not all have found in themselves enough strength, money, courage. Year after year... Floods destroy the village more and more, people die from old age and drunkenness... The government does not care!
Like an aircraft flying over this forgotten place, the former Soviet Union flew into the age of technology and capitalism, leaving behind all unnecessary - socialism, mining, people...
Sincerely, Terry Craft.
All shots were taken on smartphone Huawei P9 with double Leica lens.
Sad to see, thank you for bringing forth awareness with your photography. It does bring a sense of peace almost..
after reading your post, it seems to me, there is one such similar story for every nation. Most countries, ignore the remote areas and people living there.
I think the way it is. Sadly of course... but it's the world we are living.
WoW... Soo Beautiful
wow ... how beautiful that place looks even though it has been abandoned it looks spectacular. In addition, they are well-taken photographs that detail the great beauty of mother nature. congratulations, without a doubt I loved them!
What is stunning to me here is that you could have come to Idaho and taken pretty much the exact same pictures. Yellow Pine was a HOPPIN' little mining town... then Agenda 21 happened. Now the Chinese own the mineral rights, if I am not mistaken. Parcel by parcel, deeded claims are being stolen by the Federal Government and the land declared "Wilderness." The miners who kept this nation running during WW2 are dying, penniless, and their shacks are being bulldozed. An entire era of our history is being wiped out under the guise of "environmentalism." The truth is, the woods were MUCH healthier when the miners and loggers were LIVING and WORKING there.
The culture of consumption is thriving. People take, destroy and throw. But under the guise of ecology and other good deeds, can be demolished any village ... and then lease it to another country. Profit!
It is an interesting juxtaposition, the "globalists" vision for the world versus the global vision emerging on steemit.
Nice shots, the amazing thing about this photos is that they are actually more beautiful than real settings that people still live in.
really impressed by the quality of Huawei P9 lens.
Beautiful! Those are great shots. I can't believe it was with your phone!
Actually not mine... my wife's phone. I have more "budget" version :)
Hello just read your post it sad to see that because it government responsibility to provide basic needs to their people done great to forth awarness through these picture's of abandoned place which wll bring prosperity and peace
It is really sad. For those people. It looks like a really beautiful place. Beautiful nature all around, I could imagine a nicce small village there fullof kind people in which I would love to live. But unfortunately that will probably not heappen.
These places are where most RPG games begin. I would like to explore a few places like that. Or a night tour through an abandoned jail somewhere around America (dunno name), which is said to be haunted. Let's wait my BitShares grow my wealth.
I feel sorry for these people, living below average and doesn't get much media coverage and, hence, forgotten by the societies
Did you go inside any of the buildings? I always wonder what treasures of the past may be lurking behind a brick in the hearth of under an old floorboard.
Awesome shots!
Oh Terry that is so sad you really showed through your pictures the story, I will pray for them
So bright and clear. That should be a high mega pixel phone. Nice picture
Quit sad that the technological age has made us forget our roots, natural habitat, or foundation so easily. Places like this should be developed rather than forgotten as they are the bedrock for our modern civilization.. Thanks for the wake up call
Great captures terrycraft. We have some abandoned homes from the 2nd world war. Wired to think people lived there. You can almost hear kids playing in the background.