This shot was taken on kuramathi island about 7 years ago, unbelievable how fast time pass. If I would not have taken a look on the timestamp of the picture I would have told it's about 4 years ago. That's also so nice about taking pictures, when you go through them years later and memories are coming back again which otherwise probably would have been lost.
I took it with my newly bought Nikon D700 which was pretty new at these times. I did put on a Sigma 12-24mm with a 12mm setting, I'm still using this lens nowadays. Postprocessing was done with Nikon Capture NX2.
At the end of the island there was a huge sandbank and you were able to walk about 30 meters into the ocean to each side of the sandbank and the water was just getting to your knees. To get a relation to the sizes in the picture I asked my girlfriend, now my wife, to sit into the water about 10 meters away from me. The white sand from the maldives gives the water a nice turquoise color, I hope you also like it.
I relate very well to what you're saying about the time flying. It's crazy how some photos can bring such accurate memories, sometimes I can even feel the smell or the presence of the people I was with. Great photo! Maldives looks amazing!
right, and when scrolling through folders, I'm happy to not just have kept the best pictures, because every scene is a memory, even when the picture from the aspect of art looks bad...thanks, appreciate you like it!
haha that's so true.. you're welcome :)