Photo-ing With a £50 Chinese Mobile Phone

Disclaimer: I am not a photographer ...

I like to wander the places where I live, take some photo's and share them with my FB friends, probably 50% of which have never been to the UK. Here are some of the better photos I took of the beaches where I live using a £50 chinese mobile phone. If you're interested I've done a little run down of the phone in question below, no spec's just what it is.

This is the Royal Harbour on a particularly nice day my Hubby and I went to watch a Yacht competition to come in.

This is Kent's Botany Bay. Great for fossil hunting!

Here we have one of multiple sea bathing pools that are scattered along the coast line. They warm up lovely in the sun.

This is the Boating Pool. It's up on the cliff overlooking the English Channel. On really clear days we can see France. The land you can barely see in this picture is my hometown ...

Yarn Bombing is en vogue even here :D

One thing my town is kinda famous for is its involvement in the creation of a particular drug which is taken worldwide by Men only - nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more! This is the statue they erected (oh dear) to commemorate it.

I've had a total of two chinese mobile phones. My first one was a Star S7189 Note II - basically an unbranded Samsung Galaxy with a 5.5" screen. I paid a total of £79 for it mostly in Amazon vouchers which I'd earnt (yes earnt) over the previous six months by doing online surveys. It's probably the best phone I've ever owned, great camera, two sim slots, space for a 16gb sd card high speed wifi connection. Sadly I dropped it one day approximately three years after buying it which put a massive crack across the screen and making it have a mind of it's own when it came to phone calls - sometimes it rang, sometimes it didn't. I kept using it though, on and off for another two years. 

Finally I gave in and bought a new phone. This time I bought it from a local computer shop - I just needed a phone, didn't really care if it was branded or not. The proprietor was someone I'd bought from before so I knew he wouldn't screw me over. The Cubot S206 (that might be wrong, I'd check but it's currently in use as my wifi adapter) also has an awesome camera, sd card slot, and functional version of android. 

Thanks for reading and viewing! If you like my pictures and want to see more let me know in the comments.
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