Photography- Stormy sunset

So last week I took some photos for the b&w photo contest. This was one of the photos I took but adding the filter took away the beauty and power of the photo so I never used it.

Deciding that I would clean out my gallery today of unwanted photos I decided that instead of getting rid of it, i would share it.


The photo was taken with my huawei p9 light cellphone. This image reminds me that we should all take the time to appreciate nature and life.



Hey, @thegoldencookie! Nice pic. I think the best sunsets are either before or after a storm.

I was very fortunate to be able to capture the sun just before the clouds filled the sky completely

Wow! This is a really soothing photo!

Thank you. I like to think of it as the calm before the storm

perfect timing!..looks like a clip from a movie where its the perfect time for zombies to come out ! :) @thegoldencookie

I could dig that happening... maybe not even zombies, im close enough to the sea for it to be a natural disaster film.... imagine a tsunami following that storm... that would terrify me

Yay cellphone photography! You don't need a DSLR to take great pics, keep fighting the good fight!

I wish I had a professional camera. I would travel all the time and take amazing pictures of everything. My husband gets annoyed with me because I generally only try take pictures of the things around me when we are in the car

Nice your post

Nice !!!
Capture one pic like that from a tall building.
I assure you that it will be awesome :D

I'm terrified of heights but strangely enough I agree. Some of the best photos are taken from tall buildings where almost nothing is in the way of your shot. I do however like the lower down palm tree action.

Me too. I am also afraid of heights. But that's what makes me want to go higher places. :D

Everyone has a unique way of photography. I hope you find it if it's not the lower down palm tree action. :p

Photography is just a hobby for me, bot a well practiced one at that... maybe someday I might take it more seriously

It's better to figure out what you want to do as soon as possible.
Because nothing is easy to master.

wow this is great view

Very good picture... if this is one of the pictures you wanted to get rid off, i an very sad, because is way better than most of my photos :)

Im a very sentimental person so my memory gets backed up quickly. I love the pictures but i prefer having photos of my husband, friends and family. Atleast this one is now on the internet forever

Nice picture, very stormy looking skies.

The rain after was spectacular. Unfortunately it was too dark out to take any good photos

This is awesome. Yeah it looks great just in its natural look. You took a great picture here. I love the sunset in the horizon

Great submit. Hardwork pays a lot more so preserve Functioning tough! Resteemed.@thegoldencookie Great submit. Hardwork pays a lot more so preserve Functioning tough! Resteemed.