Last November I was in Italy, and my cousin invited me to go with him for a few days in Abruzzo, a region not far from Rome (about 2 hours drive, in the National Park of Abruzzo.
Autums colours are amazing and the weather was perfect: coldish but with a clear blue sky (as always, in Italy)
Here are some shots of our 2 days there:
Entering the Park, better to slow down, you dont want to bump into a bear!
There are plenty of walking tracks,up, down, in the forest or around lakes
Oh whats that?
Cousin takes out his huge camera, I'm stuck with my phone, hoping to take decent pictures
On the righ side, a beautiful horse too
As you walk around the park, plenty of information
Walking in the forest, you can find horses totally free, amazing!
The lake's colours are perfect, so cousin takes more shots
Walking along the river, I see a huge deer that came to drink
It heads into town, people from the village seem to be used to it by now
Well, time for us to go get a good italian coffee now, I hope you enjoyed it!!