I was looking for tea at the supermarket the other day, when
I saw a jar of dried rosemary on the shelf.
I had never tried rosemary tea before, and I started wondering how it might taste.
My usual choice is classic black tea or chamomile tea.
Dried rosemary leaves can be used to make food taste better.
For example, you can use them when cooking lamb in the oven.
They give roast lamb a unique, mouth-watering taste.
Not many people use rosemary leaves, when they want to make tea.
I made my cup of rosemary tea with a teaspoon of dried leaves that I boiled in water for a couple minutes.
Then I strained the content into a cup.
I didn’t add any sugar.
There are two reasons why I didn’t add any sugar.
The first one is that I eat so many sugary foods every day, that adding sugar to my rosemary tea would increase glucose levels in the blood even more, which I didn’t want.
The second one is that I wanted to keep my rosemary tea as pure as possible, so that I could fully enjoy its health benefits.
Some people would argue that just a bit of sugar would not do any harm, and it would enhance the taste of rosemary tea.
Surprisingly enough, I discovered that rosemary tea tastes very good as it is, so there is no need for sugar.
Another thing is that I could have put the rosemary leaves in hot water and leave them there to soak, instead of boiling them.
I think that, because the rosemary leaves were dried, it would take me ages to let them soak, so I decided to boil them for a few minutes.
I don’t think that this had a negative effect on the health benefits of rosemary tea.
After drinking it, I felt more relaxed and my mind had somehow cleared up.
It also had a beneficial effect on my body with local pain disappearing.
smart decision, big issue with glucose (sugar) is spikes, which do a lot of damages to liver and other vital organs. I have rosemary on my garden, will try the tea and as condiment to some food
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Please, bear in mind that I am not a doctor.
Far from it.
So, everything should (must) be in line with appropriate doctor's advice and medication.
Otherwise, the result could be more damage than benefit.
An occasional cup of rosemary, or any similar, tea every now and then shouldn't be a big problem, even for people with existing health issues.
Just try it, and see how, and if, it works for you.
Everyone is different.
Yo amo la infusión de romerillo y sus flores son encantadoras.
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I was surprised by the health benefits of rosemary.
Rosemary tea is a nature's secret health elixir.
Spanish translation from Google Translate:
Gracias por tu comentario.
Me sorprendieron los beneficios para la salud del romero.
El té de romero es el elixir de salud secreto de la naturaleza.
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