Ah, indeed it does matter - and I did not realize it as I was impressed with the quality of work. This sort of post did not work out so well for some here and as a photographer, like you, know the lengths we go through to obtain such images. preciousdecay.com would likely not be pleased to see his images used here in a very commercial manner. Thanks @jamtaylor for getting me to look closer! (though my thoughts on these images stands haha!) He is likely using 9 different stops to shoot these images.
Indeed the photographer would probably not appreciate it. I tend not to upvote these types of posts unless the person is trying to pass the images off as their own (which is not the case here)
Plus I'm not a big fan of these images anyway hahah
Certainly, that is what keeps photography so interesting and subjective. You can have a technically perfect image, but still uninteresting to many because of dry/boring subject matter. Or a shot of bigfoot that is blurry, underexposed and shaky that everyone adores!
As a contributor to the photography section, this statement offends me hahah.
Also, are these @warrensteam's photos? Does that matter?
Ah, indeed it does matter - and I did not realize it as I was impressed with the quality of work. This sort of post did not work out so well for some here and as a photographer, like you, know the lengths we go through to obtain such images. preciousdecay.com would likely not be pleased to see his images used here in a very commercial manner. Thanks @jamtaylor for getting me to look closer! (though my thoughts on these images stands haha!) He is likely using 9 different stops to shoot these images.
Indeed the photographer would probably not appreciate it. I tend not to upvote these types of posts unless the person is trying to pass the images off as their own (which is not the case here)
Plus I'm not a big fan of these images anyway hahah
Certainly, that is what keeps photography so interesting and subjective. You can have a technically perfect image, but still uninteresting to many because of dry/boring subject matter. Or a shot of bigfoot that is blurry, underexposed and shaky that everyone adores!
I mistyped, I meant that I don't upvote these types of posts, nor do I flag (usually) unless the person is trying to pass the images off as their own.
But I wish it was made abundantly clear that these are not the posters photographs, and people actually read the text in posts.