If you missed the first part you can find it here: TimTravels - City of Amsterdam Part 1. We were really lucky with the weather on the first day but the second day was quite bad. Heavy clouds and rain made it hard to take great pictures so we decided to visit some museums. There are a lot of great museums in Amsterdam, for instance, the Anne Frank museum, Van Gogh museum, Rembrandthuis, NEMO, Rijksmuseum and many more.
We however decided to visit the torture museum. You cannot imagine how creative people were when it comes to torture.


Holy fuck, I can't describe how uncomfortable the photochain of spiky torture devices made me feel.
Living in the past really sucked. I'm thankful to live today.
I bet the people from the future will say the same about us
You're probably right.
I hope so.
creepy torture stuff!
did you play chess, too?
LOL, why would someone design such a hideous device to inflict so much pain? Ahh...I remember.....most of this shit was designed by the church to punish the so-called "heretics."
I dreamed I could vacation there, can I get there?
Please visit also my blog
No the past was cool for people in power and with money (or who just had enough stuff to relax, like , theres always been nice places to live in the past but for the MOST part you are from a long line of people who have all made it..i mean...ur here...and most people u come from lived o lives
we stanon the sholdres of giants!
WOW! I think the presentation is beautiful and the photo speaks the expression of actual thought.
Nice one
Totally agree! A picture is worth more than a thousand words
No sleep today, thank you very much!
Concentrating on this giant yellow shoes trying to forget all this horrific scenes lol.
Hey, it's a VR cinema? That's cool! I've never seen it before.
Give it a try! It's a great thing. You are in the happening!
great Profilpic lmao
Omg what did they do terrible things to people :(
Sick isn't it?
good pic!
Thanks for sharing yourWhat a beutiful museum photo @timsaid. You captured it well with suitable angle, color and editing. That's incredible and marvelous post. You deserve to get many thumbs and for appreciation because we are couple interest I will always waiting latest post and UPvoted. Visit my blog please sir, i have a latest post about photography. I need your help because i must learn about photography with you.
Love Amsterdam. Nothing better than chuffing down a fat joint, going to see art, getting steak at Cau and eating waffles for breakfast.
Highly recommend staying at Sofitel Legend the Grand Amsterdam
Upvoted, i liked the post a lot never seen amsterdam before, truly happy for your experiences during traveling. You will be a rich man in no time, maybe not in your wallet, but definitely in things you have seen.
Ever been to the Tower of London? :P
Glad to live in a time and place where petty boy-kings don't get to throw people into suffering like that!
Again, I enjoyed seeing your pictures! Looking forward to tomorrow's post. Didn't get to visit Rijksmuseum when I was in Amsterdam, so guess this will have to do ;)
The pictures are beautiful, the torture museum,, experience, Many torture techniques. Nice job.
Thanks hynet! Was great there
Your welcome
Dude such a great post, the horror museum looks rad. Thanks for sharing
Yeah it was a scary place! lol
Where are the pictures of the "Coffee Shops" and the Red Light District... don't withhold those from us, sir! :)
Confidential lol
Upvote here
Amsterdam is a very beautiful city, thanks for introducing the history of amsterdam city through your postam ...
But besides I also like the flowers that grow there,. . .
me @alanmirza looking forward to your next flower posting, thanks friends.
And I thought my torture was bad.
hello goog post nice post like
So kul to travel
Great photos, on my travel bucket list for sure
What are your other destinations?
Bali, Kyoto, Paris, Madrid,a few cities in Italy, the pyramids in Egypt, Crete. So far I've marked off Lima and Paracas in Peru, Barcelona and Gijon in Spain, and that's it for international travel if we don't count the Caribbean islands.
Awesome clicks man!
Love them! <3
Share more often with us!
Thanks man! I try :)
Great what you share, it makes the new ones like me, take tips to improve in this network.
I've been waiting for your post.
Amazingly good.
You made me very keen to visit.
If you have a chance, try to visit some countries in asia especially indonesia. There are also some very interesting places.
I'm @aroyl will wait for your shots next, again thank you very much
The pictures are beautiful
lovely pics dear
That torture museum was pretty freaky. My oldest son went to Amsterdam while studying abroad in Germany and he came back with a souvenir - a pot leaf key chain. I just posted a ton of photos from Tombstone - the "town too tough to die." There are no torture devices, but they are wearing some pretty cool costumes. We also have a hippie town south of Tombstone and it's called Bisbee, the "town too high to care." ROFLOL
I did not think that in Amsterdam they were so addicted to torture. That's about the Spanish Inquisition read a lot, but about the Netherlands ...
Neither did I expect that!
nice men
Nice post.
Amsterdam is a very beautiful city. I lived there in the 90´s. Try to visit coffee shops and Red light area...you will enjoy those locations especially at night due to beautiful lights. Thanks @timsaid for sharing.
I was there. Beautiful :) thanks!
Welcome. Am sure you will have much fun on those 2 locations I mentioned...
followed and upvoted pls do it back by the way great content.
great shots! ive been in amstredam once, it's truely a sick city
A lot of fun in Amsterdam! Nice pics!
memories of medieval ages
What great pictures. Don't expect to go there But now I can talk intelligently to someone about Amsterdam. Beautiful canal and food. I'll save up my Steemits and go someday.
the first pictures are strong
Why do the torture methods have to be so sexually aggressive. The nipple twisters look so happy with themselves.
These nipple twisters are so nasty, I bet it must hurt
It seems Amsterdam has the best and worst of everything!!
Very interesting post. Wonder why they needed such cruel torturing agents. Those would really make you "shape up!"
Nice I want to visit Amsterdam soon. Never been to the virtual reality cinema before. Upvoted !
Jess the so inhuman, did it happen was it ever real, the food likes to raw to me back here in Nigeria we eat solid food like pounded yam and fufu with delicious soup
Great chance to be a Gothic! Hahaha... cool sharing!
Loving the wood clogs, the torture stuff not so much!!!! I love all the people sitting all over the Amsterdam letters to take photos :) Looks like a fun time
That was an incredible day! I feel like I was right there with you, the torture freaked me out a second lol but wow what a day, I would love to experience that theatre you went to how cool! I bet you slept good that might you did so many things! Have a great Sunday
Man, you've shown a very creepy side of Amsterdam here lol
Oh man, I love Amsterdam. Given, the Amsterdam I nearly fell in love with - people riding along the canals on a quiet morning, quaint pancake spots, exceptionally kind people - was somewhat over shadowed by the sex show, alcohol, and weed whirlwind I got swept up in (was on a bus tour in Europe...extra touristy), but still, the five minutes of calm I experienced there were lovely. XD
Great pictures there as usual. It is a very nice place too.
What a spectacular view of these pictures
This was really cool, id love to check out that vortual reality cinema 😂 ... torture chamber photos are great btw! Scary