these i think are churchill tanks from the second world war , supposedly one of the worst tanks made , under powered , under armoured and under gunned , and named after " the greatest britain of all times " as voted for by the british public , winston churchill , a man whos sandhurst report described him as a drunken sexual pest to be kept away from young new recruits , was dearly hated by the unions after he tried to crush the miners union , killed thousands with his complete incompetence with the dardanelles fiasco and gallipoli landings , in the first world war and then black mailed and controlled by the bankers to ferment and prolong world war two , a drunken coward of a man , a fitting monument to his stain of a life , some rusting bits of crap now not even fit for target practice
As others pointed out, there is no doubt that he was intellectually gifted, and verbally brilliant (did you know he won a Nobel prize for literature?) But yes, by no means an angel, at least not by modern standards. Apart from the stuff you mention he also caused a famine in India which caused the deaths of thousands (or perhaps millions?) of people - for this reason, he tends not to be nearly as revered in India as he is in the west.
i didnt know about the nobel prize , but dont also forget obama won one and al gore , so they are not really worth much , i know churchill used chemical weapons , and saw no problem with them and also wanted to use biological weapons but was constantly stopped by advisors , he really had no moral conscience at all , he must rank as one of the last centuries biggest mass murderers , his death count was up there
Yeah, I know: at least the Peace prize doesn't seem to mean much anymore. Don]t know about the literature one.
I think Winston Churchill is one of the greatest wartime leaders a country could ask for at that time...
His speech "We shall fight on the beaches" gives me a tingly feeling.
And the story:
When either Lady Astor or MP Bessie Braddock told Churchill that he was disgustingly drink.
Churchill replied with
"Madame, you are ugly, and what's more you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow I will be sober and you will still be disgustingly ugly"
Just kills me 🤣
i know he was hated around yorkshire because of his treatment of the miners , and was hated by soldiers in the first world war because of his incompetence and sacrifice of men to foolish plans , as for his speeches it turns out a voice impersonator did them , supposedly because he was unreliable due to his alcoholism , if you have chance this is a good start to understanding the man , the puppet
🤣 All heads of states are "puppets"
Don't go all conspiracy whack on me, he was practically the embodiment of Britain at the time 😅
Even with Europe crushed and Nazi Germany at the door, allies scarce, out gunned and out numbered, cities leveled due to bombing, children moved to rural areas separated from their families, rationing, conscription, disease and lack of money nearly all of his speeches managed to rally the populace and keep them unified in a time of dire need.
He might have been a drunk and a bit of an arsehole sometimes... But he was the drunken arsehole Britain so needed at the time.
I love his speech "We shall fight on the beaches" it's very somber yet he manages to set in steel what Britain was doing and was willing to do to remain independent and free.
And... I'm originally from Lancashire 😉
im afraid im not a fan of churchill , he prolonged the war cost millions of lives and destroyed the british empire , he was a stooge of the bankers , he was bailed out when bankrupt by the " focus " group a zionist organisation and used to ferment war , he didnt give those speeches they were recited by Norman Shelley's voice and used to broadcast some of the most important words in modern British history - including 'We shall fight them on the beaches'. and very probably as is today he didnt write them either ,