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RE: Got my grow tent set up

in #photography4 years ago

I was diagnosed with Essential Tremor (think Katherine Hepburn) two years ago, and the only thing that consistently helps me (without a zillion side effects) is cannabis. My primary care doc told me I qualify for a MM card here in New Hampshire (where the state motto, "Live Free or Die" seems ironic since neighboring states have decriminalized, but we have not), but I'd need to change doctors to do so, as she's not authorized (apparently few docs in our area are) to recommend. Hubby & I have talked about eventually moving to a legal state and growing our own. In the meantime, I'll just envy enjoy your set up vicariously. Sending lots of good growing vibes your way!


I got my card here about six months ago. It is nice to be able to go to a local dispensary and get whatever I need. It really is worth going and getting it if your state has legalized medical. I ended up paying out of pocket to see the doctor because I don't think any insurance covers this yet.


Our eldest (who still lives at home) just got her card recently, but from what we've heard, the only local dispensary (which, if I understand it correctly, is the only place she's allowed to shop in the state) doesn't have much & is overpriced. My husband is investigating to see if she's able to use her card in neighboring states who have decriminalized, as some people (including her doctor) recommended. He's also hoping to take her to check it out together at some point soon - having car issues at the moment, which is making it tricky. I'm stalling holding off going through the process of getting mine until things are somewhat back to normal, as I have a bunch of medical appointments I'd need to catch up on first.

And thanks for the Engage! 😊

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