Cakra Donya bell is a historic object that is now one of the collections of Aceh Museum. Historically this bell was given by the Chinese empire through Admiral Cheng Ho who was a formidable voyage, as a bond of friendship between the Chinese kingdom and the Kingdom of Aceh.
Donya chakra is a bell in the form of a Chinese-made stupa 1409 M crown, with a height of 125 cm and a width of 75 cm. Chakra means the shaft of the train, the symbols of Vishnu, the horizon or the sun. While Donya means the world. On the outside of Cakra Donya there are decorations and symbols of Chinese and Arabic script. The Chinese script reads Sing Fang Intentions Tong Juut Kat Yat Tjo (Sultan Sing Fa who has been cast in the 12th month of the 5th year). While Arabic script can not be read again
excellent post
good man :)