Steepshot | IPFS | Google Play
Testing this Bot via Telegram - it worked
My first post via Steepshot - in addition I used the Steepshot Bot from Telegram. An interesting option to post to Steemit - only thing that could be added is:
- Settings - an option to tick / uptick you vote your own post immediately
- An option to add a text to the post (this one I edited via the laptop browser)
Sehr cool, werde ich auch mal ausprobieren :-)
Wow wonderful place and nice photo.
Mega schöne Moment Aufnahme!
Super Licht Schatten Game
What does steepshot bot do?
I am aware of the platform, but didn't know there was a bot as well !
By the way, Soothing picture !!
Best you check the post from @juanmiguelsalas below - he explains en detail. You can directly post to Steepshot / Steemit by using it on Telegram.
Steepshot as a nice website, easy to use. It can be an interesting tool to post on Steemit.
Nicht ganz verstanden, vielleicht mal auf Deutsch posten!
was willst wissen?
it looks very good photos you fella,, what camera you use ??
awesome photography.
the beautiful beach in the afternoon looks the sun will be set to shift the day into the night of the beach feels that look deserted as if it will carry dreams
Foggy one. Looks sad and deep but beautiful.
Pretty cool view. Nice click man.
Foggy one Looks sad and deep but beautiful...
Well did not know that !
While the image seems pretty great buddy :)
Nicely taken !
Wow amazing... So early to post photograph in steepshot
ok jetzt muss ich das so langsam aber auch mal ausprobieren!
Nice foto is this! I hope you like my pics to 😉👌