Good evening, friend Steemit. on this beautiful afternoon, I have signed two pictures for me to share with Steemit. Today's theme is "musing when the rain falls"
photo by camera oppo f7
Some say, it rains as a blessing and a gift. But for some young people falling rain can represent two flavors, sad and happy. Sad to be left by a lover, or happy to be able to enjoy the rain with a loved one.
"Rain teaches me to pause and reflect on everything. And when it rains is a good time to curl up in the corner of the room, look at the drops of water falling and peek out the window to see the atmosphere"
"when the heart is dry. The rain is there to calm the heart, cool the mind, and embrace intently with the cold. You will feel comfortable when you are disappointed, angry. Because you can't deny that feeling. Rain gives you a lesson to surrender to the situation. Accept, not deny"