My two hens, snake and wetchewech (which means black in caledonian) have had small but it is the black hen that has brooded and raises the chicks.
1 yellow chick and 2 black chicks
Their first day of release with Mom
What will become of them? to be continued ...
What kind of chickens? I presume that the small black one wouldn't be an Australorp, eh? And the chicks, what variety are they?
With two hens you should get about dozen brown eggs per week...
Good stuff..
The breed of chickens heuuuu, no ideas, they are simple Belgian laying hens. And indeed before I had 14 eggs every week but now I will have more unless they are roosters. Naturally fed ;-)
Curious, which came first, those little chicks or those eggs?
Without your testimony, the world may never know.
Oh well, perhaps it is a mystery for the ages...
ha ha ha