This is a series of three pictures that I took of Burnaby Lake, from our apartment on the 22nd floor of our building.
Fog on Burnaby lake
Picture taken at 07:47AM, 32 minutes after sunrise.
Burnaby Lake 07:47AM
The lake is completely covered with fog, while there is no fog on dry land.
Fog Dissipating on Burnaby Lake
Picture taken 33 minutes later, at 08:21AM
Burnaby Lake 08:21AM
The fog has is rapidly dissipating on most of the lake. It seems that some of the fog has migrated to dry land, but in fact the patch of fog that is between Burnaby Lake and the high rise buildings is over smaller lake: Deer Lake.
No More Fog on Burnaby Lake
Picture taken at 08:54AM
Burnaby Lake 08:54AM
The fog has completely disappeared on Burnaby Lake.
You can see that the lake is in bad shape.
Sediment has been filling up the lake, reducing the average lake depth...
Normal ecological balance has been disrupted, and parts of it are in danger of being reduced to mudflats and wetlands.
Wow, what a view you have from your apartment! I like the first shot where the fog has spread across the whole lake :)
Yes, the view is the main asset of this apartment.
😀 Does it get covered with snow during wintertime? I remember reading somewhere that the winters in British Columbia are not that rough.
The winters in Vancouver region are not very cold, and there is not many snow days here.
In the North and East of British Columbia, there is a lot of snow during winter.
Thanks for the info, @vcelier ;)
You have a beautiful view from your window. I am a building engineer for a 460 ft tall high-rise in San Diego. The view are hard to compete with, but this is nice.
Yes, as I said, the view is the main asset of this apartment.
This was one morning after some light rain from the roof.
I like the fog, makes me want to go on a hike, which is what I did the past weekend!
Thanks for the support. I'll put you on my auto-voter. Only happy thoughts!
The view from the apartment is truly awesome, you do not even need to gout outside to shoot landscapes. But i believe that the biggest asset of the apartment is it's current residents.
Looks spectacular! Have a great day my friend!
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Looks very good ! Th lake is in the city : burnaby ?
Quentin ✌
Yes, the lake took its name from a man named Burnaby, and the city Burnaby took its name from the lake.
Ok thanks ! @vcelier ✌
Is this winter or summer...
I'll give you two clues:
It is neither winter nor summer here.
I love these little wonders of nature. You were lucky to see it live, so to speak
Felt like watching a time-lapse! Great insight.
Good photography.
Beautiful foggy pictures. I have a craving for dim shooting. That's an interesting perspective - to show how the fog disappears gradually. I feel like I'm observing this with you. I hope one day I too will do some nice shots of the morning mist. But in the meantime, I can't get me to Wake up early. Usually with age people turn from owl to lark. So perhaps my foggy photo is yet to come!
All my life, I have been going to bed early, most of the time before 10PM.
So, it is very natural for me to be up early. In fact, today, I was up before 06:30.
it was very good ...
really nice photos!
wwooowwww very beautifull and wonderfulll photo 💙💙💙Excellent post.go ahead of luck.
That's cool to get the three shots. So many times interesting things are happening and they slip right by us!
Haha this is awesome. I've never been able to watch something like this from that vantage point.
I love the one with full fog the most! :)
Yes, me too.
Very nice! Keep up the good work!
Wow amazing photo @vcelier. . Upvote 👍
I love fog, it is a very magical vision.
Well I really love natures weather in general.
Great photography of looking place. thanks for your posting
have a nice day.
thanks for share
Mind blowing shots @vcelier ! Beautiful view !!
Wow this is very nice.. what an amazing view... I hope to see my dreams in year 2019.. Go for an amazing trip with the kids... keep posting
Nature on his best, moment by moment, evrytime another view... Very nice place to stay!