Photography: The Deer and the Biker

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

This picture has been taken two weeks ago during the bike ride of the company I work for, AdaCore.

The Deer and the Biker

It was taken on the bicycle trail that follow the Old Put railway.

The photographer had a GoPro camera on top of his helmet, and that is how he was able to take the picture while riding his bicycle.


He must have been surprised. Did he cry-out in excitement? I guess I would have - never seen a deer before..

I can't tell, I was not there.

There area a lot deers in New England. Strangely I never ran into one myself. I guess I need to be out in the wood more. :)

Yes, you should go outside more. But when you will meet a deer, you will need to be very quick to draw it ;-)

Hahaha true. I wish I will be quick enough. :)

I believe the deer wanted to race you guys to prove that he's still the fasted one in the forest lol

Nice photo catch! :)))
I also meet them often but they run away from the motorcycle noise :)

That is really good, the deer is moving fast and that camera did a nice job of capturing that for sure!!

We blew by one in the wooded area that leads up to the GM National HQ in my town weeks ago, it is near the wetlands that I have politically fought to protect on Lake Ontario here.

Nice photo there my friend. Happy Long Weekend to you out west there.

Don't want to spoil it, but shouldn't you change the title to "deEr"! Just a tiny mistake...

Yes, of course! Fixed now.
Thank you.

You're welcome

You came in a wrong forrest fool! deer pulls gun and shoots... deer raps about forrest hood.... deer just runs away :)

Guess that deer was on traffic patrol @vcelier that day. Lmao I'm assuming the cyclists violated the traffic code violation 39-19 resulting in an angry deer. Thanks for this good laugh of the day. I really needed it.

I believe 39-19 is only for motor vehicles, so no violation here ;-)

thx for sharing


Nice shot! We need to share our living space with a wildlife.

portraits of very precise images. is it a pet deer?

No, it was a wild deer that just happened to be there.

I never look face to face with dear. Its cool. Is that not danger maybe?

I am sure the deer was more afraid of the biker that the biker from the deer.

I hope so

Beautiful deer

Wow! what a Shot! Were you having a race? If so, who won! lol I once bumped into a deer on one of my getting lost rambles with my dogs. We both froze as we didn't expect it and just look at at each other for a moment, it seemed like forever! It was a fantastic moment, one that I shall never forget :)

ah nO, i didn't see the referenced post! Looks like you all had a good team bonding experience!

Beautiful shot. It is usually deer caught in headlights. I m glad it was by camera this time. Thank you for sharing.

Nice photo.

Wow amazing photo. . Thankyou for sharing. . I like it. . I have followed you

wow is amazing I have followed you and thank you for sharing your photos and stories @vcelier

Nice picture @vcelier

Nice! Good thing it wasn't a moose.

What a nice picture, the deer looks startled, maybe you were too. Thanks for sharing.

Nice shot.., how can there be a deer in it, is it near a zoo or wild deer?

It is a wild deer.

The deer just runs with others , nice picture.

The deer wants to race with the bike! That looks great, nice combinations.

This photo looks like .... Run, Forrest, Run! :)))

And Thank you!! that you make time and look my photography :) Thank you!!
I hope one day you come more.

There are not many deer in my country, Indonesua. I love looking at your post. They are wonderful.rusa

Oh wow - he isn't scared of people is he?!

Hii @vcelier. Will you see my new post ??