Kitty Love

in #photography3 years ago

Hi guys!

How are you all? How’s you’re new year?! It’s so weird saying it’s 2022 ! I haven’t got used to it yet! Have you taken your decorations down yet? I always like to take everything down before the new year so it’s like a fresh start! Our son was a little sad to see it all go and especially sad when he saw all the Christmas lights and decorations that he loved seeing on the way out of our town! It’s so hard to explain to them that it only happens once a year when they have no concept of time!! We’re enjoying the slow pace of the start of the year and cosying up inside when it’s so cold out. Our son just loves one of our cats, Angel. We adopted her from a pub called the Angel inn hence her name about 7 years ago. She was in poor shape and the pub had been trying to re gone her for over a year, we were there on work but said that if she was still there when we finished work we’d take her home. She was and she sat on my lap all the way home and settled on perfectly with us. She’s used to being a stray so constantly wants food and has to go outside but is so affectionate and definitely puts up with all our sons noises! He loves her so much and it’s so nice to see how they have bonded!! Hope you enjoy the pics!

  • Verity x



