Missing the wilderness!

in #photography8 months ago

Hi everyone,

Hope you’re all well! I’ve been missing the wild of Scotland recently, having gone there every year since I was born at least once when we haven’t been in a while i start to really miss it. I miss the sea and the quiet and calmness. There’s hardly anyone else around and being able to be alone in the wilderness is amazing. Now that we have 2 boys it’s harder and harder to get the time to go and also it’s so far that the journey isn’t always appealing! It’s a long way and distracting them for that long is always tricky but when we get there it’s so worth it! These were taken a year ago and it seems like forever! Can’t wait to grt back soon!

  • Verity


Superb photography relating to the mood from being in a place you find relaxation, last photo with baby smiling tells a beautiful story.

The photographs are so pure and beautiful. I especially like the second one, it looks like a painting.