Spring has sprung!

in #photography3 years ago

Hi everyone!

How are you all? We’re still in a bit of a blur in our newborn bubble, although things are slowly getting back to routine we are finding it hard to get back to full speed working! Bo is nearly s month old now and I feel like he is growing in front of my eyes! It’s all going so fast! Watching how besotted River is with him just makes me so happy; I was worried I wouldn’t have room to love another but instead my heart has doubled in size. We are having such amazing weather atm and loving going out on adventures and walks. River loved playing in the grass and blowing out all the dandelions he could find! We managed to find some time to capture some quick portraits of Bo and me and I just love this one. There are lots more but I haven’t had time to edit and look at them yet! I’ll post some more when I do! Hope you are all enjoying the weather at the moment and look forward to catching up again soon!

  • Verity x




