Ok, today I am going to introduce Milo to you....
A bird with REAL attitude who came in through my door a couple of years ago and has claimed this as his ever since.
Although he was far happier when my dog was still with us (RIP Flash, your life story in pics will be steemed as soon as I get to my old computer) as there was always something to eat
not to mention a place to drink.
If the place was clean he'd just pop in and stare at me waiting for service
And if there was nothing on offer inside, he'd be off to seach outside in the garden
everything needs close inspection....
he has competition outside though
This year he found himself a partner and the result was inevitable
Now someone makes similar demands on him that he made on us
And now he has to share his spoils.
Until the next time......you gotta follow them to catch them !
The Womble on the rock
beautiful & Excellent Article. Thanks for this sharing
excellent subject...Milo is a star! :) ....thanks man