"Eat more fruits" . Divine dessert

in #photography7 years ago

Hello, kittens! Hungry! Today even more delicious dessert. Fresh fruit salad with ice cream

Fruit salads are probably the most useful of all kinds of desserts.

Summer, heat ... diet before vacation. And so you want sweet! What would you eat without harm to the figure? For myself, I already found the answer to this question - a light fruit salad.

Ingredients: strawberry, banana, kiwi, mandarin, powdered sugar, ice cream.

Preparation: All fruits are well washed, cut, sprinkled with sugar bud, add ice cream. And Bon Appetit!

"Eat more fruits" I am sure that you have repeatedly heard this advice. And this is not surprising, because fruits have been used by people for thousands of years and have always been considered healthy food. They gave us nature, they are natural, they do not need to be cooked, they contain a huge amount of vitamins, fiber and other useful substances ...

Strawberries are not only delicious, but also often used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Strawberry contains many nutrients and is one of the main sources of minerals. It also contains iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, silicon, zinc and copper.

Summer has come, and we are trying, as efficiently as possible, to supplement our body with useful vitamins and nutrients found in vegetables, berries and fruits. One of these vitamins is among the berries, ripening at the very beginning of summer, is strawberries.Strawberries are eaten live, cooked with compotes, added to desserts, harvested for the winter in the form of jam and jams, well, they simply freeze in the freezer. In a word, strawberries are consumed all year round and in any form. 

 Strawberry is an aromatic berry that has unique nutritional, medicinal and useful properties. It contains a large amount of sugars, vitamins, folic acid, fiber, carotene, pectins, iron, cobalt, calcium, phosphorus and manganese. 

How to choose a good strawberry

But all the benefits of strawberries can be reduced to naught if you buy an immature, overripe or grown berry with a lot of chemicals.

Hope for the smell:

if it practically does not smell, before you - a strawberry stuffed with chemicals.

Hope for color:

Do not buy berry too light color: ruptured strawberries do not ripen. If the berry is too dark, this is also an excuse to abandon it: it may be artificially tinted to give an idea. The most useful and tasty strawberry is one that has a bright red color and gently shines.

Hope for the size:

Different varieties of strawberries vary in size, so do not be afraid to take both small and large berries. However, by buying too much strawberries, you risk buying the one that unscrupulous sellers, for increasing weight and volume, are artificially pumped with water.


Since ancient times, women of completely different nationalities have used strawberries as cosmetic products for skin care of face and body. Thanks to the rich content of salicylic acid, this berry serves as an excellent whitening and anti-inflammatory agent for acne, freckles, pigment spots. Strawberry mask can be used as an acid peel with a fading skin. 

Strawberries are good for me for a year. 

It contains many vitamins, minerals and other valuable elements. In strawberries, more than in lemon, vitamin C, a lot of folic acid, salicylic and other organic acids, iron and copper, a huge amount of antioxidants. Berries of strawberries give a rejuvenating effect, reduce the level of cholesterol. Salicylic acid helps fight against urolithiasis, stimulates the gallbladder, speeds up digestion. Iron increases the level of hemoglobin, well strengthens blood vessels and joints. 

Do you know how to priavilno eat strawberries? 

Many people like to sprinkle with strawberry sugar. He is already rich in sugar, and an attempt to further sweeten it threatens only overweight. In addition, one of the most important properties of strawberries is an antiseptic, it kills a large number of microbes. And sugar neutralizes it, because it is a favorite environment for the development and life of various bacteria. 

Kiwi is not only delicious, but also incredibly necessary for our health.

The rich content of serotonin in kiwi makes this fruit very useful for digestive and cardiovascular systems. Serotonin improves memory, mood, stimulates the perception of information, normalizes appetite. In addition, serotonin qualitatively and quantitatively improves sleep, contributing to a more rapid and painless awakening.

Kiwi on our table became as popular as other "winter" fruits - mandarins and oranges. And not in vain! Kiwi is a healthy and delicious fruit that has appeared in the countries of Asia and Europe since the beginning of the 20th century.

Few people know that the real motherland of this fluffy dark green fruit is China. The Chinese called it "monkey peach". Until the beginning of the last century, fruit trees grew like wild animals, and their fruits did not exceed 4 cm. Therefore, kiwi in Europe is still sometimes called "Chinese gooseberry".

There the fruit was called "kiwi", in honor of their famous flightless bird.

Banana is considered a satisfactory and healthy snack. It is low-calorie, and it is customary to think that it enhances the mood, like chocolate, and also helps to stop smoking and get rid of a hangover. Be that as it may, there are still reasons to eat bananas every day.

Power engineering.

Carbohydrates in a banana are light, so productivity will grow almost immediately. Bananas are easily digested and do not bring unpleasant sensations even to people on a medical diet.


The banana also contains fructooligosaccharide. It is a prebiotic, and, accordingly, its effect on the intestines. It adapts the intestines to proper work and helps to extract the maximum benefit of the vitamin and trace elements from the incoming products.

Vitamin B6.

This vitamin, which is also generous with a banana, combined with magnesium calms nerves and reduces stress and depression. And also helps women survive the monthly premenstrual syndrome - reduces pain and reduces psychoemotional stress.

The first bananas, scientists believe, arose about 10 thousand years ago. And if this is so, then they pretend to be called the first fruit in the world that has survived to this day.

A unique combination of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index makes bananas a favorite fruit of athletes. Eaten before exercise, they increase physical endurance.

Orange has long been known not only for its excellent taste qualities, but also for its healing properties.

Orange is one of the oldest plants cultivated by mankind, both for food products and for medicinal purposes. Historians argue that healers of ancient Egypt more than 2 thousand years before our era. Oranges are successfully used to treat many diseases.

Orange juice contains important vitamins and microelements, one glass of juice covers the daily needs of the body in vitamin C.

Orange juice has a strong anti-carcinogenic effect, immuno-firming effect, it perfectly tones and relieves fatigue. Orange juice is indispensable in the cold season for the prevention and treatment of colds and beriberi.

Sugar powder - one of the most accessible means for decoration

Produce this spice by grinding the crystals of sugar into a powder. To ensure that all particles of the earth were the same size, it is simply impossible. Therefore, the finished product is divided into several categories.

Where can I apply powdered sugar?

The product can be used as batch for baking and other sweets. This is the powdered sugar used to decorate cakes. Powder from sugar is an ingredient that helps to give a crisp crust to Savoyardi's legendary dessert. The product is used for making cocktails and soft drinks. And others.

How to Make Sugar at Home

Prepare the powdered sugar and you can be at home. The easiest way to use this coffee grinder. If you use a coffee grinder to make powder, sugar must be scrolled several times. Another way to get a powder is to cook it in a blender. The blender must be dry. After you crushed the sugar and turned off the blender, do not rush to open the lid of the bowl. Sugar dust, formed during the grinding of sugar, must be able to settle.

Sprinkle our fruit with powdered sugar

Let's look at our dessert a little closer. Just look how you can resist. I certainly ate more than half of this dessert. Already ate the noraka vseravno stretches that would take a fruit and delicious :)

My cat does not mind tasting dessert = (^.^) =

This is not all. To my dessert I want to add something cool and it will be ice cream. Ice cream which is called "Lion". Chocolate ice cream with cherry jelly and dipped chocolate. It is very tasty, but with fruit it will be even tastier.

Ice cream is traditionally considered one of the most delicious and favorite dishes, the best means for summer heat.

Modern producers also cared about delicacy lovers, watching the figure: they developed a product on a dairy basis without fat, with a special addition "inulin", which allows you to achieve the same taste sensations as in fatty ice cream.


The ice cream contains about 100 valuable substances for the body: more than 20 amino acids of protein, about 25 different fatty acids, 30 mineral salts, important for the metabolism of enzymes, as well as more than 20 different vitamins, phosphorus for bones and growth, magnesium, potassium and iron.

Most of our compatriots love ice cream very much. Some foreigners who were in Ukraine were horrified at home in horror that Ukrainians eat ice cream even in winter, at thirty degrees frost and on the street.

We can say that this is an exaggeration, but in general, everything is correct. In my country, children and adults buy ice cream for any reason: stroking, calming the nerves, "charging" the brains, just satisfying the hunger, cool down on a hot day and others

Those who scrupulously count calories and are afraid to eat fat again, are completely in vain afraid of ice cream. It turns out that this product has many useful properties. The news is the first and most surprising - in moderate amounts, ice cream contributes to weight loss. The calcium contained in it increases the body's ability to burn fats.

So, put the ice cream on a plate of fruit.

Bon Appetit!


fruit is just life

Looks delicious! I would also add some Mangos :)

Mangos :)

Wow .. it's very tasty, yum-yum.
Thanks for the recipe ..
Great post!

Hey! many thanks))

Healthy food



Eso se ve delicioso es un espectáculo a mi paladar. Aquí en venezuela venden unos cocteles de frutas, que tambien es una combinación de 6 frutas entre citricos y dulces, muy delicioso. Un gran saludo amigo @yakubenko

I also like fruit cocktails :)
Thank you!

Ммм какая вкуснота:))) а я на манго подсела, но найти хороший тяжело:))) мешаю манго с клубникой и йогуртом заливаю:)))