Walnuts improve brain and heart function
Walnuts contain many vitamins:
B2 and B12, A, D, C, E, K, omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, potassium, magnesium, selenium, cobalt and many other beneficial substances and macronutrients. Walnuts contain more calories than beef, and 17% consists of protein, so they are an indispensable ingredient in a vegetarian and vegan diet.
Walnut is more familiar to Ukrainians than others - it comes in a large number of dishes and is distributed throughout our country.
Walnut is known to us since ancient times. He received the name on the territory of Ancient Russia - it was sold to the Slavs by Greek mediators. Then he received not only the name, but also national love. In the Caucasian nations, walnut is considered a sacred tree, and Moldovans plant it near the house when a child is born.
Walnut is the ability to increase immunity.
Male potency
In addition, walnuts have a great influence on male potency and are usually considered an aphrodisiac.
Walnuts with honey in the morning.
Many doctors advise to use walnuts with honey in the morning. He can wake up and give him the strongest espresso.
Knowing the benefits of walnuts, you should be aware of their possible harm.
If you are using any type of disease, you can use it. For example, this is not a problem. some nucleoli, but a whole bunch of nuts. In addition, despite the fact that they are useful, it should be remembered that this may be a brain spasm.
Normal and sufficient rate - 8 nuts a day.
Legends and Myths
About walnuts many legends and walnuts. This is an interesting way to live. The Latin name "royal acorn of Jupiter" confirms the opinion. For a long time hungry.
The form of a walnut, resembling the appearance of the human brain, ascribes to it healing abilities in diseases associated with the head. The Greeks were the first to grow walnut trees in their own gardens and plantations. Since then, much has changed, varieties have appeared, conditions for care have been studied, and the industrial production of this culture began in different countries.
Walnut planting
Cultivation from seeds is the main method of walnut propagation. To do this, choose the largest, delicious with thin skinned fruit. After removing the green skin, the kernels should dry first in the sun, and then in a shaded place in the draft. When autumn planting in the current year, the fruit is not dried.
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I love munching on walnuts.... Just wish they were not so spendy
Posted using Partiko Android
very tasty and healthy! Just need to know when to stop!
Yeah that too, 😀
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for sharing. Do you open them with a nutcracker or a hammer? The later is more fun but it makes quite the mess 😸
Posted using Partiko Android