You really know your stuff, @solominer :) Thank you so much for explaining that in more detail - I didn't know that.
So you have a specialized camera for this photography? Did you have it customized?
You really know your stuff, @solominer :) Thank you so much for explaining that in more detail - I didn't know that.
So you have a specialized camera for this photography? Did you have it customized?
Ah yeah it makes you look at plants differently knowing that, thank you I read alot online. I think my partner @activate.alpha taught me that about why plants are green.
Yes its customized, I bought it used from a friend as an ordinary camera and then sent it to LifePixel in Washington to have it converted to a full spectrum camera.
I'm going to look into that, @solominer I would have so much fun with this - whole new world to view.
Cool, it can take up to a month to get it back in my experience after shipping it to them. I hear kolari vision is pretty good too if they are closer to you.
Yep, it does open up a whole new world.
Thank you so much for the suggestions and tips!