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RE: New Year's tattoos and photography w/ Inkmaster winner @ryanashley!

in #photography7 years ago

Really nice photos, glad to hear you are more able to pursue your dreams, that is called FREEDOM. The U.S. and most other countries are CORPORATIONS as in federal express for PROFIT!

And guess where the profit comes from?? The slaves, all those taxes, they do NOT "need" the money THEY 'NEED" to keep us ignorant, poor, and exhuasted ALSO known as Slavery.

This is the TRUTH. They sell OUR birth certificates which are actually "hidden contracts" and so our birth certificates actually are for dead person so that is controls PROPERTY which is what most people unknowingly actually ARE>

I learned all this over the last 10 months. NO ONE DIED in the Las Vegas Shooting, it was a HOAX poorly done as are almost all "terrorist attacks", there is HARD EVIDENCE that PROVES vegasis a hoax and The U.S. is a corp. That is why I am here , to spread the truth, they are CENSORING people who open their mouths like mad.

I leave you with this:
Eric Dubay History of Flat Earth either the BIGGEST WASTE of your TIME or it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Peace