This is a photo I took along the Tongoriro trail (dormant volcano). It was gruelling 7 hour climb to get to this vantage point, but it was worth it for the experience and the amazing shot!
Taken with my Nikon D700 and 16-35mm lens
(click to enlarge)
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Good shot and worth the hike too! Thank you. Maybe you'd also like my blog about the Canadian Rockies here at:
Namaste :)
Just Following you, What are these stones?
This is the Tongoriro trail in New Zealand. It is a volcanic pass elevated about 6,000ft.
Not bad, im thinking to buy Nikon D700
Thanks. The D700 really is awesome!
Beautiful place and well captured. Where is this trail?
I love this shot. What got me was realizing how much rich variety the sky had to it, ranging from blue to almost pure white. This is just a solid photo. The lighting filtered through the clouds is particularly cool, but the rest of it is satisfying as well.
Thank you for the nice critique! That was my intention... To show off the sky and have the land lead out to it.
Cool. Upvote) Go in my page, I post pictures of Crimea )