
I do so like those bonuses.

I knew you would since you have one too. Have a doughnut hole on me.

And, awww, thanks that you adore splayed splat: no one has ever told me they adore some word thing I did, so really, thank you. I do have to admit, words often get whispered into my mind in this weird way out of nowhere, which is what happened with that one 😂

You're welcome!

Also, careful saying doughnut hole around me. You know what that makes me do...

You know what that makes me do...

What, what, what does it make you do and why are you implying I already know?


Now didn't I, I did just set myself up for that one! Score on your part, which just makes me laugh 😂

I mean, you keep asking for it...

I'm not asking for it here because, because, because, I counted


Literally 9 comments today. I mean I know I'm nineclaws and nine is my number and all that is appreciated you know but I this one is...
