In my previous post, I talked about a "band" that I found in Honghu park in Shenzhen. They were a real jolly group and it was a refreshing difference from the normal musicians I found in the park.
We visit the park every afternoon for our daily exercise, and I make use of the opportunity to take my Fujifilm X100F camera with me - just for in case some photo opportunity emerges from around a corner.

More often I found single musicians. I normally just take a quick photo and walk on, acknowledging their talent with a head nod and a smile...

I would guess that about 60% of these musicians play some form of a wind instrument.

Then one day, from a distance I could hear the melodic sounds of a string instrument. As he was not on our normal track I had to deviate to find him.

He was playing a Pipa, or, what we call, a Chinese lute.

The fact that I heard him from a distance is because he did some manual conversion to add a pickup to the instrument and then used an amplifier to share his music with the visitors of the park.
About 3 weeks later, I found another musician playing a string instrument. This time it was a Zhongruan which is another type of Chinese lute. This one was also converted with a pickup to amplify his music.

Only during post-processing did I realised that is actually the same musician playing two different lutes.
Look how his shirts are also similar, except for the colour!