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RE: Photomatic Contest - Digital Blending Entry - Don't trust anyone ;)

Here's something that happened to me just last year.
I'm taking part in various photo competitions (FIAP, GPU, etc). Last year , after submitting my entry I received an email saying that my entry was flagged because I violated copyright and have stolen an image from an artist that already submitted that image.

Naturally I replied to that email saying that the image was mine and I have the raw file to prove it. We exchanged emails back an forth for about a week until eventually they gave me credit and disqualified the other entry.

The thing is that by the time all of this was over, the period for submissions was over and I've missed my chance.
So, when I say I am against taking photos without permission I know what I'm talking about.

I strongly disagree with you on the matter of long forgotten photos that are brought to life by someone else.
The copyright laws state that an image is the propriety of the author from the moment it was taken and lasts 70 years if I'm not mistaking.

When you say relaxing copyright I say encourage theft. Every image that is posted means something to the author.
If he/she earns something from it it is entirely their business.

I agree that this kind of practices can't be stopped but some of us really care about their work and want to be asked before someone takes our image and tries to earn something from it.

At the beginning of the post you said ".... but it's not stealing.... it's borrowing".
Think of it like this way. What if someone broke into your house and borrowed your TV.
Theft is theft anyway you look at it.

I don't mind if someone takes my image and uses it as a background for his phone/PC, Facebook cover or even prints it(I will take that as a compliment). I mind when someone takes an image, claims it as his own and then tries to earn from it.


Ah, now I understand your concern. I didn't realise something so ridiculous could happen. Who does such crazy stuff?! Sorry for your experience, which is TOTALLY unacceptable. I was only thinking of the way I use photos to illustrate my story. I never claim them as my own, I couldn't imagine who would. What is there to gain from that. I don't understand (but know it happens).
I think most people however would not feel right about such fraud as you speak of, and when they infringe the law they are more like children or kleptomaniacs, which in my book falls under mitigating circumstances. I also know most people don't agree with me on that one. I think I must conclude that some of us will then have to post blankly or take up drawing. I know at least 10 people who do NOT have a smart phone (but do use internet). That's what I meant by thinking in different leagues of criminal activity. I'm still getting used to the fact that money plays a role here on Steemit... Good luck with your super creative competition!

Thanks so much! :) Maybe you'll join the contest :)