[A tropical paradise in the Dominican Republic]
As I already mentioned in my presentation, a couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to live for a while in the Dominican Republic, which was for me one of the most incredible and fruitful experiences I have had during my life, both for the learning and the maturity that I could achieve by living there, as by the magnificent beaches that I could enjoy during my stay.
From the moment I arrived in the Dominican Republic, I completely rejected the idea that the first place I would travel to was Punta Cana like most tourists, I wanted a different place, something that my friends did not know and that I could introduce them.
One day, a Dominican friend while we were talking in the institute where I was studying for that moment, he told me about this place and after doing some research on Google, I was pretty sure that which one was going to be my first destiny to visit.
The adventure began
The trip from the capital to Las Terrenas is about 2 hours, in my experience, it was extended a little bit more since during the way we were surprised by different landscapes and caves that managed to capture all our attention to the point that we started to make different stops.

After taking many pictures, and that my mother admitted that it was a great idea to undertake this trip by car, we were close to our destination ...


As soon as we arrived and observed what my vision would be for the rest of the week, I lost myself in the crystal clear water, and how very clear the sand was, not to mention that as a bonus I went in a low season speaking of tourism, so the beach was a bit lonely, which gave the environment more peace of mind.
Las Terrenas is made up of different beaches, we decided to stay right in front of Playa Punta Popy, in beautiful cabins where a great Caribbean atmosphere was felt thanks to the decorations and the warmth that was transmitted by all the people in charge of the inn.

To be able to enjoy the beach, all I had to do was cross the street, which was decorated all along thanks to Mother Nature, by some large palm trees typical of Samana Island, which is the peninsula where is located Las Terrenas.

We also encouraged ourselves to try some Dominican drink, so they offered to us a beer called "Presidente" to counteract the heat of the beach, and without a doubt, the recommendation was worth it, because even though neither my mom, nor me, we like to drink alcohol, we really liked this beer.

Although it was very short the time that I could stay awakening in this paradise, as I like to call it, I think that it does not matter how much time you spend in that place will never be enough, because it really is an amazing place, not only for the landscape , but by the vibes transmitted by the inhabitants, as well as by the whole environment.

In the sea, life is better!
[Picture by myself, taken with a LG K8]