Good, very good place near Kyiv is.One of it is the entertainment shopping complex centre Manufactura.
It appeared a few years ago. Commercially, he thought as outlet village center for the sale of goods of famous brands. But later Manufactura standed like park for walks.
This often get tourists. They can make great photo. And also they perfectly rest.
Prices of branded stores are quite high. But there is a cinema, supermarket and several excellent restaurant.
About prices. For example,we went to the movie Crimson Peak. The ticket price is 60 UAH (2.5 $) for one person. Pizza in restaurant 600 grams cost 105-180 UAH (4.5-8$) depending on the species. Beer 0.5 liters costs 20 UAH (0.9$).
From Kyiv you can get free bus here. Also, there is a 4 star hotel. So quietly, I can advise travelers and tourists to visit Manufactura. Take great photos, like us. People with ufp482 very like this place
Source is my old blog
Побывал там однажды. Прикольное место, но ехать далековато как-то.. :(
Там рядом отличный кинотеатр и Мегамаркет. По понедельникам "День Глядача". Билеты на 3Д 45 грн, на обычный сеанс 35 грн.
A little off topic: You mentioned a price of 600-grams pizza. Is it usual for you to get pizza's weight on the menu? I am asking only because (in Poland) I am used to getting pizza's diameter (ex. 32 cm or 42 cm) and no weight; sometimes all they write there is just "small" or "large", which is quite non-informative. :)
There are various options. The menu may indicate in weight and size. Thank you for you comment.