Journalists distribute Free Quota for Inland Students

in #photos5 years ago


Since the pandemic or covid-19 hit Indonesia, all people in Indonesia have stopped their activities for 14 days in early March until now new normal, the goal is to decide the spread of the corona virus. This pandemic has seen many changes in community activities, starting from washing hands when outside and before entering the house, maintaining distance, using masks, as well as all campus academics, government agencies, students are required to carry out their activities online / online.


This is a good step for the government to take, however, all regulations issued must of course be able to absorb to the entire community, both in cities and villages. The reality is that online learning regulations in particular are less effective. School students who are in the interior of the city of Hokseumawe, to be precise in Paloh Bate. There are so many deficiencies that occur there, starting from the lack of an adequate internet network plus the condition of the community there, the income is sufficient, so that there are students who do not have a cellphone to continue these online learning activities. Then the understanding and condition of students are still unfamiliar with the change from the usual activities of students learning in class but this time it becomes online.


Therefore, journalists in lhokseumawe and north aceh took part in the effort to help reduce their internet quota and provide them with a free quota to be able to continue their school / learning online. The results of the "Careful Journalist" program at least students can find out more about the use of smartphones for online learning. Not only that, the crew of journalists also participated in teaching them the subjects they qualified in class.
