
I just use a SNIP program to cut & paste.

Just dumb at this point they’d change it and make it less simple

I use the mobile for Steemit
So prolly fine for PC.. hey I picked Miami Molly like tonight. Bet $40 to win over $200
I should of gone all in. I felt it in my gut. They can still loose for as I type 14-0 winning

I had the line at 14.5, so Miami beat the spread..........Nice play

I did both
Money line and spead

But I made my loss back by betting on Steelers when Miami was up 14-0
It was pick em
So that covered my loss on the money line bet. I love it when u can hedge crazy odd bets

You are talking about a mobil phone? On a PC you can simply drag and drop.

On mobile

I thought so. Well, I don't use the mobile to do web work, since it sucks. Everything is tiny, and the Android browsers are crap and so on.
Best get yourself a laptop or a mini Windows PC to hook up on a TV, they don't cost much. Then you can use the normal Windows browsers like Firefox or Chrome, which work much better.