Segunda parte / second part : Volcan Domuyo, Neuquen, Argentina

in #photos10 months ago (edited)

Algunas fotos mas del ascenso al Volcan Domuyo que hice con amigas
Some more photos of the Domuyo Volcano climb that I took with friends

Es necesario tener algo de preparacion física y técnica para intentar su ascensión. Nosotras nos preparamos de antes y en el grupo habia 2 de las chicas que se estaban recibiendo de guias de montaña. Fuimos el primer contigente solo de mujeres en hacer cima segun los guardaparques.

It is necessary to have some physical and technical preparation to attempt its ascension. We prepared beforehand and in the group there were 2 of the girls who were receiving mountain guide training. According to the park rangers we were the first contingent of solely women to reach the summit . 😄

Es muy importante ascender con personas que tengan conocimiento de montaña. Una experiencia Súper recomendable!
It is very important to ascend with people who have mountain knowledge. A highly recommended experience!
Camara: my cellphone Samsung quad camera Galaxy A22
Has anyone else also done mountaineering and share their photos?
alguien mas tambien hizo montañismo y comparte sus fotos?

Gracias por tu apoyo con tu voto ❤️
Thanks 4 your Support with your vote ❤️
I use the donations to buy Tiger diapers, medicine and whatever needs he has.
Las donaciones se utilizan para pañales y necesidades de Tiger