The week before Christmas.
When Bitcoin was still $19666, and future looked so bright...
Photo by @onealfa, in my living room
The week before Christmas.
When Bitcoin was still $19666, and future looked so bright...
Photo by @onealfa, in my living room
In my opinion will go down to 5899 and then will go back up to about 40-50 k.
Ohh I can't express myself how much i agree with you. Net keista paliko kad mes taip vienodai galvojame. Aplink vien verksmas dejones ir viduriavimas.
Greed and fear. Now rules fear. Most of the people, who got in the train at around 15-19 k. just for the reason BTC was going up without understanding why it was going up, are stepping out now. When you don't understand why you bought something, it's hard to hold on to it :) But there's loads of people, who understand why they own BTC, and they will start buying it again at 6-7 k.
@homesteadlt @onealfa Yep, exactly. I've lost in this BTC world, but we all have. We will be making a comeback soon enough. There's that saying on wall street: "Bears make money, Bulls make money and the Pigs get slaughtered." The Pigs are the ones that come in way late in the game, buy high, then sell when its dropping out of fear... My take on all this: Don't be a Pig. ;-) Like the photo @onealfa, thanks for posting & keep in touch. Cheers!
nice post on bitcoin 😍
The future will be brighter, not sure about Bitcoin though but cryptocurrency is not here to die
Yes, I have not even smallest doubt about this. My post was just a small sarcasm, when I read so much FUD around, and endless horror screams from the newbies. :)
I believe all this is market manipulation, I am from india and there was a lot of FUD being spread out yesterday but our govt just said that they will be taking all necessary actions required to stop money laundering through the means of digital currency which every govt will possibly aim at, moreover they even said that they are looking forward to use blockchain technology in future.
Indeed the screams... lol
Wow fantastic photography
Bitcoin was $19666..... Very nice post...
Yeah, looks like unreal, right ?

When we thought the four-digit era is over...for ever. :)
One year from now we will say " When Bitcoin was 39000 : ( "
To be countinued. Really some day @anealfa
Don’t be so negative, I believe that we will be there again and even higher!
Very awesome post great achievement.
Congratulations @onealfa ........
Ya life was looking good beginning of December than hell happened
Hehe, the future is still bright!
It is not impossible next. Now dream of dreams. Thanks for sharing such a good post.
Ha ha have a nice dream
This is sagarthukral friend the future will be much brighter clear than if.
Opinion ask: What do you think it should be valued at and why?
Down a couple more thousand USD and we will be approching the last full year TREND LINE. We are yet not even close to it. Just think about this. This is a FACT. This line every TA begginner can draw in a minute.
To me the future still looks bright, in fact it looks brighter than ever before. Remember, it's one of universal laws that things need to always be in balance, so the dip we're currently experiencing is just a balance out for the entire crypto market. Don't worry. ;)
and the next day after christmas was so unreal too all of us:))
Wow its attracting
niceee shot bro
que buena foto.
@onealfa wow nice article
hahah and it is still bright until next christmas :D
just a matter of time and it will be back up soon :) nice shot
wow looking bright Excellent shot @onealfa wonderful time it was
Nice bubble bokeh!
the lion takes a step back and then it go further up
We hope the bitcoin keep growing and growing for a bright future.