Trees photography . Tree save us giving oxygen and absorbing carbon di oxide

in #pht6 years ago

Tree photography. The tree is our good friend in the world. Everyone cheat with you but the tree will stay beside you and help you in its full life. We know that we take oxygen for breathing in every moment but this oxygen comes from where, do we know it? Yes, this oxygen comes from the tree what it produce every time and they help us for living.

We also left carbon di oxide in the environment but who absorb this , do we know that? Yes, the tree is doing that work. The green trees are making their food with the help of sun shine, at that time the tree absorb the carbon di oxide and left oxygen.

Camera: Handicam H100 panasonic






Hola @deguerido
Excelente tu reflexión y buenas tomas.
Y el hombre pendiente de la explotación de todos los recursos de nuestro planeta. Afectando en específico a todo el Reino Vegetal y en especial a los árboles con vieja data que no hacen más que el trabajo de reciclaje del oxígeno que necesitamos para vivir.
Ni un Árbol más será talado.
Saludos y Gracias por el artículo

Wow amazing photography.good photographer

really nice post.. :)

Well this is a perfect thought about tree 🎩 hats of to you.. The photography is also mind blowing..

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Awesome content. Well done