Magic Mushrooms are a hallucinogenic psychoactive drug which contain the chemical Psilocybin. Psilocybin is the chemical in question which causes the trippy effects. I have put a picture of it down below.
Their has been years of research done on mushrooms all showing that shrooms are harmless. In some cases they have been shown to promote the growth of new brain cells :0. But today I wanted write about how magic mushrooms might even be able to cure depression. Many are already using shrooms for their depression in private sessions and at home, and results posted online are really supporting the fact that shrooms do cure depression. I do want to clarify that mushrooms might not work for everyone, but for many they are showing positive results.
There is currently being a study being considered in researching into how mushroom could cure depression. If this study goes through is will be lead by Robin Carhart-Harris at the center for neuropsychopharmacology at the Imperial collage of London. They have already done one test on a group of people who where treated with a dose of psilocybin and after one week all participant's showed improvements.
Personally I think that this study is exciting news and it shows that the medical properties of magic mushrooms are finally being acknowledged. It could also be a small step towards legalisation as well!
Thank you for reading!
Mushrooms are great!
I know I luv em