Ideas are great! They make us so excited, curios, energetic. They give us hope. They unite us around them in collaboration and togetherness. What's the secret?

Let's start from the beginning...
Humans VS. Machines
Humans, as opposed to machines, have a feeling about somethings that work. When we see something perfect - we know that it's perfect and we get happy. When something broken, we get sad. The difference between the two isn't so big. Sometime you can't put the finger on what make the difference. It's just matter of our belief, that come from our mind, our imagination. The meaning that we relate to the material.
Machines, as opposed to humans, just execute orders. They don't feel great after the mission is completed. They can make a happy sound that we program them to. But they don't really feel happiness. That's why computer programmers meet 'bugs' all the time. They expect to get something from the computer, but the computer execute their orders precisely and don't know what is the target. The computer don't know there's a bug at all.
Idea is a promise
What make us happy and excited? a belief. A belief that everyting will be OK, the problems will be solved. When we hear a great idea, we belief, at least for a moment, there's a solution for a real problem. That's why, in my opinion, idea is actually a promise. We don't see any evidence in our eyes, yet. We just hear an idea, a story. But this story lead our imagination to the happy situation, when we feel that things get the right way.
A machine, by the way, can't get excited from an idea, because it's not interrupted by anything. From machine perspective, everything is OK right now.
Why ideas die? (or just get sick)
Ideas have energy inside them, we can say that they have their own life. But they can also get sick and die. Sometimes we hear great idea and it makes us excited, but then after a while, we forget about it and get back to our bussiness. Why it so?
It occurs because from some reason we don't believe in that promise anymore, it make us dissapointed. Sometimes it because we made some thinking and we have found problems in the solution suggestion. It became harder than we thought in the first time. Sometimes, it's just the time that passed and we don't see any progress, so we get dissapointed also. I think it is very important to diagnose the reason, because we may find a healing for that illness.
How we can do that and why it so important?
I'll write about that in the next time.
Until then - Have a great steeming!!!
מעניין מאד ופילוסופי
הפחד משתק אותנו הפחד מכשלון מהפסד של כסף
הלוגיסטיקה להפוך רעיון למציאות מורכבת וגוזלת אנרגיות שלא תמיד יש לנו
רק האמיצים מעיזים
Very interesting and philosophical
Fear paralyzes us fear of failure from losing money
Logistics turns an idea into a complex reality and takes away energies that we do not always have
Only the brave dare
cool tthoughts. as developer. i come sometime to some ideas. i thnk my biggest obstacle is that they are too big... and its also ok. but they have many points to figure in the way... and its ok also.. but after i talk with 4,5 friends i cant talk further with people so they wont still this idea. so my biggest obstacle is that there isnt some group of people that i can count on .. and think about big ideas together.
Very well written.
Ideas also die because our brain my nature is designed to keep us safe. So the moment we want to try something new, the outcome of which is not known our brain resists . So to do something which involves risk or may be the outcome is not known we have to exercise extra will power.
Yeah you right amrita! TNX!
I'm also I think that when we lost the certainty that we have at the first glance, our brain become defensive. The question is how we recover that certainty. Maybe it's like love. When you falling in love you know for sure that you are on the right way, but sometimes you start to think you wrong..
How does a new idea come into being? How does it suddenly happen that a person comes and presents something that no one else has thought of before?
One way to examine this issue is to look at how great ideas have been created in the past.
The problem is that sometimes the inventors themselves do not know how to describe this process in retrospect.
But what happens when two developers at the same time came to the same idea independently?
If you have any answers, I'd love to know.
Thank you very much for the excellent post
Hi Nir,
I don't answers to all of these questions, of course.. But I have very intersting way of thinking about ideas, and I think it can define a new language of "ideas science" that we all can research together.
I'll continue to write about it in the next days. Stay tuned :)