I actually really like to play every sport with a ball in there (no phun intended). Athletics and running always werent really my thing, as well as gymnastics, that would turn out simply dangerous..
But Baseball and Handball were surely the choice of school sports...
In private time I spend my entire teens and 20s on the volleybalcourt, a game that I absolutely love. Als playing beahcvolleyball stole up a lot of my time while playing the Dutch Championships in the early 2000s and driving to the ocean every weekend 200 kms.. Totally worth it!
Nowadays? The funny thing is how much time I have spend playing volleyball, maybe that is the less that I miss it now. Its just time for a next phase..but still love to watch the game~!
So as long as you had your hands on a phallic shaped object and there were balls involved you were good? :D
Heyyy, Dutch Championships - nice! Beach Volleyball... is great to watch :D
That is an excellent summary even young man! :D
Yeah this was in the early beach volleybal days when the level wasnt that high...After that we always got shredded faster than lightning..
Yeah...it is indeed....great to watch.. for all sexes hahaha :D