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RE: What sports did you play at school?

In actual gym class, it varied - there was the dreaded dodge ball, and a little baseball, which I kinda enjoyed watching but I hated playing because I did not have the hand-eye coordination to make contact with the ball very often. I could hit it hard when I did, but that was rare. XD
There was some basketball, and in high school we played some racquetball, because they had outdoor courts for it - which is when I discovered if you hit a racquetball really hard and it sails over the walls (because there was no real roof to the outdoor courts), it will fly reeeeeeeally far. Once I sent it over the courts, across the grass, across the street, and into some house's yard. Another time I sent it sideways over all the courts and it landed at the base of the fence and exploded. Literally, exploded - shards of ball were everywhere. It was then that I developed my lifelong fantasy of taking a bucket of racquetballs and a racquet to a driving range (as in, for golf) and just seeing how far I could hit them (and work out some frustrations in the process). :D
I played soccer (football) a lot with my friends and had a summer league once when I was a kid, but I was good at playing goalie, and not at running up and down a field all day. When I played with friends, I was always the goalie because I would dive for it no problem but couldn't run worth shit; but in the summer league the coach's son wanted to be goalie, so I never got to, because sports nepotism, I suppose. XD
There was a lot of running in gym - a lot of running. And then in eighth grade I joined the track and field team (remember when I said I couldn't run worth shit?) because that was the one year I got to join any sports teams I wanted, and it ended up being my favorite. That's the only time ever in all my sports experience that I had people cheer for me at a meet. Our coach had told us that whenever we're running a long race, to take a pace we could sustain and leave ourselves enough energy to sprint at the end, because other people would be tired at that point and we would easily overtake them. So I was running a mile race at the meet and did that. I must have passed a half dozen kids and our section of the bleachers was just screaming and hooting and hollering for me. I didn't even place, but the fact that I had gone from the back of the pack to closer to the front right at the end was what got all the attention. Coach hollered, "Yeah, that's what I TOLD you to do!!" and I felt sports-competent for the first time ever in my life. XD


Dodge-ball shouldn't even be allowed - that's just punishment for the slow and un-agile!

...I developed my lifelong fantasy of taking a bucket of racquetballs and a racquet to a driving range (as in, for golf) and just seeing how far I could hit them

This sounds excellent fun :D

For your race, if only you started that backstretch charge a little earlier!

Thanks for commenting :D

For your race, if only you started that backstretch charge a little earlier!

Right? I think I came in 4th or something, so I was close. But 1st place was a teammate who was a solid minute faster than me, so maybe not that close. LOL

Ahh, yeah you would have needed to run at that speed for most of the way then :)

Right. :) But I don't know how fast 2nd and 3rd were, so maybe not.

Dodge ball with wet tennis balls is really good fun if you have a good arm and know when to duck.