A Cosmological Hopfion

in #physics2 days ago (edited)

I have been thinking about a couple of videos lately [ 1, 2, 3]. The geometric "shape" they discuss has been on my mind in a very weird obsessive way. I am literally dreaming about this thing.

I have been wanting to write something about this for a couple of months and have not really known how to articulate my thoughts. I still do not know if this will do it justice. This is my attempt. To fully acquaint yourself with this shape I highly suggest you watch the video below

The shape in question here is called the hopf fibration. There are four types are hopf fibrations according to Adams Theory. To be more specific, the particular fibration we'll be discussing is the Complex Hopf Fibration due to its association with complex numbers, but I'll just leave it at that for now. I do not want to overwhelm you with math jargon, I am trying my best to make this digestible.

This shape exists in 4 dimensional space. It is a projection of a 3-sphere, a type of hypersphere, and what we are seeing is it's shadow in our 3 dimensional space. The shadow of an $S^3$ in a space with only 3 dimensions doesn't look like a sphere at all. It looks like a bunch of nested tori, getting denser and denser toward the core. From a certain perspective you can see what appears to be a line from either "pole" that jets out toward infinity. Due to this being a 3 dimensional shadow of a 4 dimensional "object", that is actually not a straight line at all. It is a loop that connects back onto it's self. I wanted to highlight that here and now, because we will circle back onto this.

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Now let's turn our attention to what is recognized as our spacetime, where we live. We are in what is generally referred to as Minkowski Spacetime, which is 3 spacial dimensions (length, width, height) and 1 temporal dimension (time).


Let's not even get into what a temporal dimension is, because it doesn't seem like there is much agreement on it anyway. In fact, it is treated as a spacial dimension in mathematics regardless. I suggest it actually is a spacial dimension. I am suggesting that Minkowski Spacetime is a cosmological hopfion.

That naturally brings us to, "what is a hopfion"?

Well, let's start by stating the obvious. I am using the word outside of it's usual context. A hopfion is not even a thing necessarily, it is more of a pattern or knot-like structure. Think of swirling and tangled magnetic fields or even whirlpools in water. Hopfions work in much the same way whirlpools can form and become stable in fluid dynamics.

A very interesting lecture on this topic is done by Mark R Dennis, who is a theoretical physicist from University of Birmingham.

In this video, you'll hear Dennis discuss how topological features such as vortex lines appear in structured light like laser beams. These vortex lines can knot due to various natural occurrences or through the deliberate creation using holographic techniques. The conversation then turns to how these topological structures can appear particle-like. What's really interesting is how this idea is both cutting-edge and simultaneously aligns very closely with one of the first theories of the atom.


Lord Kelvin, born William Thomson, was a 19th-century British physicist and mathematician best known for developing the absolute temperature scale (now called the Kelvin scale). He is lesser known for developing the Vortex Atom Model(1867), which never really gained much traction. This is largely due to an experiment called the Michelson-Morley experiment(1887) which led to a consensus in science to conclude there was no aether.


Perhaps the Michelson-Morley experiment didn't detect an aetheric wind because the aether is topological, not mechanical.

I believe this was an early misinterpretation of results and has led to compounding inconsistencies. The Michelson-Morley experiment shook the foundations of classical physics, directly challenged existing theories, and paved the way for modern physics, especially relativity theory.

I think now is as good of a time as any to turn our attention to a couple papers written by a gentlemen named Samuel Yuguru. These papers are absolutely fascinating and deserve far more attention than they are getting.

"Unconventional reconciliation path for quantum mechanics and general relativity" introduces a novel approach to unifying the two major pillars of physics by proposing a unidirectional monopole pair (MP) field as the fundamental quantum (The smallest discrete amount of something that can exist or be changed) of the electric field within a four-dimensional spacetime framework . This paper suggests that Einsteinian gravity can be understood as circular acceleration with angular momentum in a time reversal mode relative to a precessing MP field, further proposing a multiverse of MP models operating at different scales . The author posits that this unconventional path aligns with existing knowledge and can be assessed through conventional methods, offering a new perspective on fundamental physics .


"The Dirac Fermion of a Monopole Pair (MP) Model" delves into the nature of the electron by examining it as a Dirac fermion within the context of a recently proposed MP model of a hydrogen atom situated in four-dimensional spacetime . This paper proposes a conceptual transformation of the electron into a non-abelian four-component spinor in both Euclidean and Minkowski space-times, potentially including gravity . The study suggests that this transformation is consistent with the Dirac belt trick and has significant implications for defining the fundamental state of matter, potentially leading to a consolidation of the Standard Model and opening avenues for exploring physics beyond it .


This brings to mind some the work done by Nassim Haramein on the Schwarzschild Proton. In this paper Haramein describes a proton as a 4 dimensional structure that is both a black and white hole. This is perfectly in sync with this recurring hopf fibration pattern.

Here is a video of Nassim Haramein discussing his Holofractal Univerese Theory and more specifically the Schwarzschild Proton.

Now I am going to invoke the name of Nikola Tesla to lend me some credibility before I delve into some of these more metaphysical topics. There are some really cool quotes that have been attributed to Tesla, some of them recognized as more genuine than others.

A really cool quote come from Walter Russell's second wife Lao Russell. She wrote in a letter dated January 7, 1956 about how Nikola Tesla privately endorsed Walter's cosmology.

I would gladly help you if I could, but it would be useless. Science would believe me to be as crazy as it thinks you are. Besides that, if you are right, every text book of science would have to be scrapped – and that would mean millions of dollars lost and every physics professor would have to learn his physics all over again. You are so hopelessly ahead of your time that I believe the only way your knowledge can be saved is to write it down and diagram it, then seal it in a sepulcher with instructions that it be opened in a thousand years.

To get a better idea of Walter Russell's ideas I suggest you go directly to the source and read his books or watch these audiobook videos of his work [1, 2].

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One of the key takeaways you'll have after seeing these videos or reading his books will be the recurring themes of spirals, vibration, and harmonics. You may also find that these spirals have a striking resemblance to the hopfions Mark R Dennis discussed in the earlier video. This brings me to another quote often attributed to Tesla, although highly contested:

If you only knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.

It seems likely that Tesla never actually said this, but it seems possible that he did have a personal interest in these numbers. Some believe that Tesla's fascination with these numbers was linked to their numerological meanings. In numerology, 3, 6, and 9 are considered powerful numbers. The number 3 is often associated with creativity and self-expression, 6 with harmony and balance, and 9 with completion and enlightenment. Interestingly enough it seems they may also have significance in understanding electromagnetic flow.

Marko Rodin takes this concept and runs with it.

In that video, Marko unveils his discoveries related to vortex-based mathematics and its profound implications across various fields. He asserts that his work, particularly the significance of the numbers 3, 9, and 6, holds the key to understanding the universe's mechanics, encompassing everything from energy generation and computer science to biology and even spirituality, claiming to have "decrypted God's icon."

He introduces concepts like the Rodin Coil as a revolutionary technology and emphasizes the interconnectedness of seemingly disparate domains through a unified mathematical framework rooted in geometric patterns and the significance of number relationships.


This leads me right into the work from David LaPoint. He made a series of videos [1, 2, 3] that seem to demonstrate recreating these fields using bowl-shaped magnetic emitters.

In these videos, featuring animated sequences and laboratory observations, LaPoint proposes these magnetic fields he's termed "Primer Fields," are fundamental in organizing matter across various scales, from atomic structures to galaxies. I believe these videos lend credence to the idea of a topological aether as well.

These videos do a phenomenal job in helping to visualize how this model proposes these fields work. You may have noticed how similar the emission jet looks like the "infinite line that is actually a loop" we discussed earlier.

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These Primer Fields are described as being scale-invariant. So even the energy flows within the photon are just smaller scale versions of themselves. This obviously goes the other way to and explains macroscopic phenomena as well.

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It is incredible how all these different thinkers keep coming up with this same torus with dual-vortices idea. What's interesting is that this is actually not too far off from how the probability clouds of electrons are actually visualized. One particular atomic orbital called the $d_z^2$ bares an uncanny resemblance.


The "dumbbell" lobe that goes along the z-axis could be reimagined to be dual-vortices. There is a really cool video that helps to picture an electron cloud as best as we can.

This brings me to the work being done by Malcolm Bendall. He seems to have developed a technology that allows us to tap into this same field and pattern.

I am going to end this one here for now. But I intend to pick this up again from a different angle. I have much more to highlight and plenty of my own spin I to add.

Thanks for reading along and going down this wild rabbit hole I have been in. There is so much more to explore and this pattern seems to keep showing back up.


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