Didn't have quite the budget this time to spruce up the Tesla Timeframe
Quarter Three Fundation Budget
Category | Coins |
Developers | 120,000 |
Outside Developers (i.e. Contractors) | 15,000 |
Marketing | 15,000 |
Octopipers | 50,000 |
Bounties | 10,000 |
Social Media Managers (6 * 150 coins per month) | 3,600 |
Website Management | 10,000 |
Misc. (Discretionary spending, i.e. Coinbase Bribe Money) | 25,000 |
Totals | 248,600 |
Please note: Budget amounts are maximum allowable, not what will be spent for certain. Budget can be increased via 3/4th's community vote (Super Majority).
Tesla's on the way!!
Please save the coin !
Will it be a Hybrid coin, maybe linked in with the likes of Komodo, we can mine POW with CPU's and earn reward for POS staking? I see VERUS have this setup and looks good for privacy/security/Anti-ASIC etc
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Tesla is already on the road, my dream
Keep up the good work, Hail Slatan ;)