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RE: My Entry for the Pay-it-Forward Curation Contest - Week 18

in #pifc7 years ago

I like your reasoning, lol.
I don't know if they've fixed the scheduler, but the past few updates, it does schedule correctly (or mostly) - but doesn't show it correctly when you go and look back at the schedules. Schedule, but keep an eye on it. ;-)
If you save it as a draft, you can use that as a template for future post.


Yes! I have already made a few templates for future use. I enjoy making graphics in photo shop so it is fun to go ahead and set up for ones I know I will reuse. Also Writing in a safe place so as not to lose a draft has helped me a lot. Makes it easy to have a few things going at once. ... Still not entirely trusting in the saves on the app.

I mostly work off LibreOffice anyway - I don't trust these things to save for me. But, if I can at least get it to save the end material that I put on my posts, it helps a lot - I could close one of my documents, lol (I'm as bad on that as I am with tabs!)