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RE: No Follow / Upvote / Reblog Giveaway - 5 Shares Hives Stake Based Income Ends 12.09.23 23.59.59 UTC Winner @dstampede

in #pimplast year

Wow. I'm going to follow you!

And you on the regular post that shares these different giveaways?

Seriously you deserve more press! Dang man! Right on!

And the Free Compliments community if you aren't already a member! I'm going to share your post with them!



I dont think I am on a post that does giveaways - not sure who is running that? Do you have a link or name?

I spotted it in the free compliments community! And was excited because there was a couple of friends of mine that was on the list. I absolutely had to follow the account. By all means please come to the free compliments community. There's actually quite a few people posting giveaways along with the person posting a list of everybody doing giveaways....

And I was pretty tickled because I won one of these giveaways yesterday