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RE: 📌Have Ya Heard? 2️⃣New Witnesses for Hive!

in #pimp7 months ago

Tell me what you think. I'm not in charge of SPL or the community. You're concerned about people with common interests sharing similar thoughts on a decentralized platform.

If there were tens of thousands of people posting, you'd never be able to keep up with the content on the main feed, regardless of what's there. Every individual on the planet would discover they're not interested in majority of things, if they didn't already know that, just by looking at that particular feed. Luckily they have other options like communities and the ability to create their own feeds.

I've provided a solution. A forum within a forum removes clutter from the main feed. It's SPL community responsibility to see a problem and solve it. It's their own image at stake. It's commonsense playing the same advertisement constantly only annoys people and turns eyes away. It was being rewarded and people follow the money. Asking them to stay ahead of it and on top of things probably won't go over too well.


Honestly, you've kind of lost me, I'm not really sure what you are saying or driving at.

I was here when tens of thousands of people were posting. And there were no communities, and honestly the platform at large felt more cohesive and invested together in the common outcome of the furtherance of the Hive chain and ecosystem than I see now, and seemed to achieve more momentum as a whole in a lot of ways than it does now comprised as it is of ever more and more niched out silos. I simply believe both are possible.

And neither one have to do a whit with "decentralization" or "centralization", they have to do with shared and globally common purpose, keeping this chain vibrant, alive and thriving. Because people do that. A big collective lot of them that all want the same thing.

And to be honest, its been speculated by others I've seen here that SPL players in the majority, don't really even know this ecosystem exists beneath the game layer they play and came to engage with. That's fine, but if they don't participate in governance by witness selection or operation, and they don't participate in chain support by proposal voting or project creations of their own, and if they don't support the myriads of dapps that aren't games, then the core will rot out from under them... or disintegrate for the rest of us -- and then this place and chain will either be a dead end, or just another copycat card game with nothing else of value left attached to it.

Choose your destiny.

Can't expect one to do all, but one can most certainly do a lot.

The mistake Threads made was keeping it hidden from your following. If I publish a Thread, only those in the immediate vicinity can see it. Engagement there has dwindled down to next to nothing, unless you go all in, and it might help to buy an orange check mark in order to be part of the club as well. Doesn't have that organic feel. And just my opinion.

People wanted a shortform content solution since day one. Someone builds it, but wants to contain all that demand and keep it for themselves.

Of course you'll be lonely on a remote island. Shortform works, elsewhere, because millions of people contributing and browsing is a requirement, and they have that.

I've been talking about building roads and the benefits of sharing the consumer base here for years. If one was to dig through all my comments and posts on this chain, they'd see I predicted situations like SPL's struggle in the DHF several years before it happened, if they understood my words.

People forfeit their HP and accept community tokens instead by delegating/centralizing their stake, for profit now. Setting themselves up for struggles later. Nobody will believe you until it happens and even then, they still won't believe you. Or at least that's how it feels for me.

People have worked hard trying to make the way in much easier. They're slowly learning adding another door to the rest of the world is necessary, and people can use that to come inside as well. Unfortunately I'm convinced they must learn the hard way, on their own.

Dude. I'm tired. Dealing with some life stuff that's pretty heavy. That's where my mind is right now. So if I seem a little prickly, don't worry about that.

You are conversing with the King Pickle of being prickly. My own chain blocks demonstrate that throughout history as well. My skin is plenty thick.

And yeah, I can get behind you on all these token fiefdoms. Makes no sense. Build with and promote the core coin, we have enough trouble getting eyes on it? Why do people think their "madeupword" token is going to do anything? I see some use cases for them, but not many. Mostly where they can be used to skirt gubmint currency regulatory BS in various countries. But in general, I find I can safely ignore them. My witness partner Witty uses them and makes them and has intentions for them, and that's his department. I tell people he's the finance guy, I'm the social marketing guy. We're both creative tech guys so it overlaps in some kind of functional union set of skills and strengths and weaknesses.

Get some rest. Tomorrow will be soon enough to save the world. You got at least a week or two before the whole place plunges into the sun and explodes terminally anyway.

You got at least a week or two before the whole place plunges into the sun and explodes terminally anyway.

Thanks for the reminder. I nearly forgot to buy hotdogs and marshmallows.

and chocolate bars and graham crackers, have some self respect!