My least watched posts on YouTube :(

in #pimp6 months ago

So these are my three least watched posts on YouTube. It just goes to show how far in the process I have come. I'm not entirely sure what I was thinking looking as half cut as I did, but I think I was going through quite a depressive state in my life back then. This was right after the crash. Have a look!

I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards, however my logic is sound. I think you need to analyse the past to understand where you've went wrong to better the future. This is probably me at my lowest, however trying to soldier on!


One of my latest videos. I seem to have the strength in my latest videos with keeping eyes on screen. They have higher retention but they just don't make the cut. In fact, I scratch my head at why these ones never got any different views. My most viewed videos are ones where I look crazy.

But maybe that's what people need. It's caused me to completely re-evaluate how I present these videos anyway.

Last but not least, something that's not seen at all. I can understand why, I mean I don't look like the best person to be giving advice at that point in time. I do like the sound of my mic! And I am getting a lot better with talking to my audience!

More to come next time!

That's it for now. Hope you enjoyed it :)