the original post.This comic is mi entry to @organduo contest´s. If you want to participate here--->
el post original.Esta caricatura es mi entrada al concurso de @organduo. Si deseas participar aquí--->
Step by Step / Paso a Paso:
First I drew by hand with black markers in white papers, Second I scanned and colour in Adobe Photoshop program... Finally, I put some shadows, for looks more pleasant.
Primero dibujé a mano con marcadores negros en papeles blancos, Segundo escaneé y coloreé en el programa Adobe Photoshop... Finalmente, puse algunas sombras, para que se vea más agradable.
I like your Style it is cute, refreshing and neat. Goodluck in the contest
thanks so much!
Beautiful comics keep it up
I love the bright colors you use
thanks! it is a color palette that i love it!
Thanks for your entry!
always a pleasure